Two novel nonparametric identification approaches are proposed for piezoelectric mechanical systems. The novelty of the approaches is using not only mechanical signals but also electric signals. The expressions for unknown mechanical and electric terms are given based on the Hilbert transform. The signals are decomposed and re-assembled to obtain smooth stiffness and damping curves. The current mapping approach is developed to identify accurately a piezoelectric mechanical system with strongly nonlinear electric terms. The developed identification approaches are successfully implemented to simulate signals obtained from different nonlinear piezoelectric mechanical systems, including Duffing nonlinearity, softening and hardening nonlinearity, and Duffing nonlinearity with strong nonlinear electric terms. The proposed approaches are successfully applied to experimental signals of a circular laminated plate device in order to identify the nonlinear stiffness functions, damping functions, electromechanical coupling functions, and equivalent capacitance functions. The results show both softening and hardening nonlinearity in the stiffness characteristic and weak nonlinearity in electric characteristics. The results of the Hilbert transform based approach and the current mapping approach are compared, and the outcomes show good agreements.
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November 2018
Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Piezoelectric Mechanical Systems
Tian-Chen Yuan,
Tian-Chen Yuan
Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Jian Yang,
Jian Yang
School of Urban Railway Transportation,
Shanghai University of Engineering Science,
Shanghai 201620, China
Shanghai University of Engineering Science,
Shanghai 201620, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Li-Qun Chen
Li-Qun Chen
Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China;
Department of Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200444, China;
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanics in Energy Engineering,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China;
Department of Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
99 Shang Da Road
,Shanghai 200444, China;
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanics in Energy Engineering,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Tian-Chen Yuan
Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
Jian Yang
School of Urban Railway Transportation,
Shanghai University of Engineering Science,
Shanghai 201620, China
Shanghai University of Engineering Science,
Shanghai 201620, China
Li-Qun Chen
Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China;
Department of Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200444, China;
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanics in Energy Engineering,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
and Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China;
Department of Mechanics,
Shanghai University,
99 Shang Da Road
,Shanghai 200444, China;
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanics in Energy Engineering,
Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received March 10, 2018; final manuscript received July 15, 2018; published online August 24, 2018. Assoc. Editor: George Haller.
J. Appl. Mech. Nov 2018, 85(11): 111008 (13 pages)
Published Online: August 24, 2018
Article history
March 10, 2018
July 15, 2018
Yuan, T., Yang, J., and Chen, L. (August 24, 2018). "Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Piezoelectric Mechanical Systems." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. November 2018; 85(11): 111008.
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