This work focuses on the impact of nonlinear viscous damping on strain-driven magnetic domain wall motion in a transversely isotropic hexagonal magnetostrictive layer placed atop a piezoelectric actuator. Employing the Extended Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, the analysis includes the effects of a tunable magnetic field, spin-polarized current, magnetoelastic and anisotropy fields, and crystal symmetry. By applying the traveling wave method, we derive expressions for key dynamics such as the traveling wave profile, Walker breakdown, domain wall width, and velocity across both steady and precessional regimes. The results show that nonlinear viscous damping significantly influences domain wall motion, altering velocity behavior and expanding the steady propagating regime by shifting the Walker breakdown limit. In addition, the orientation of the magnetic field modulates the threshold and breakdown limits, affecting the range of steady propagation. Also, the numerical illustrations of the obtained analytical results yield a good qualitative agreement with recent observations.