In the original publication, the finite element model (Sec. 3.2) had a width W of 20 mm while it should have been 25 mm. Based on the corrected analysis, Fig. 10 (page 7) and Fig. 13 (page 8) should be updated as follows.

(a) Applied force versus platen distance, showing data from experiments, elastica analysis and the finite element model. (b) Non-dimensionalized results, where E is the elastic modulus, W is the sample width, and h is the film thickness. The transition between the elastic and the plastic regime is at d/(2h) ≈ 20.

(a) Applied force versus platen distance, showing data from experiments, elastica analysis and the finite element model. (b) Non-dimensionalized results, where E is the elastic modulus, W is the sample width, and h is the film thickness. The transition between the elastic and the plastic regime is at d/(2h) ≈ 20.

(a) Initial equilibrium fold angle when the tpress and F parameters are varied in the experiments, along with predictions from elastica and finite element model. (b) Same data, with non-dimensionalized force in a logarithmic scale. (c) Initial equilibrium fold angle as a function of the normalized platen distance d/(2h) for elastica and finite element predictions.

(a) Initial equilibrium fold angle when the tpress and F parameters are varied in the experiments, along with predictions from elastica and finite element model. (b) Same data, with non-dimensionalized force in a logarithmic scale. (c) Initial equilibrium fold angle as a function of the normalized platen distance d/(2h) for elastica and finite element predictions.