11R2. Mechanical and Thermodynamical Modeling of Fluid Interfaces. Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences Series, Vol 58. - R Gatignol and R Prud’homme (Lab de Modelisation en Mecanique, Univ Pierre et Marie Curie & CNRS, France). World Sci Publ, Singapore. 2001. 248 pp. ISBN 981-02-4305-7. $58.00.

Reviewed by SA Sherif (Dept of Mech Eng, Univ of Florida, 228 MEB, PO Box 116300, Gainesville FL 32611-6300).

This book falls into the category of reference books. It deals with an advanced subject area that is beyond the scope of most traditional undergraduate courses in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering. The subject of fluid interfaces is extremely important, but equally complex to understand, and hence the publication of such a book should add good value to the reference shelf of researchers in this field.

The book comprises seven chapters. Chapter 1 provides a fundamental analysis of interface and interfacial layers in a...

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