A large variety of plate theories are described and assessed in the present work to evaluate the bending and vibration of sandwich structures. A brief survey of available works is first given. Such a survey includes significant review papers and latest developments on sandwich structure modelings. The kinematics of classical, higher order, zigzag, layerwise, and mixed theories is described. An exhaustive numerical assessment of the whole theories is provided in the case of closed form solutions of simply supported panels made of orthotropic layers. Reference is made to the unified formulation that has recently been introduced by the first author for a plate/shell analysis. Attention has been given to displacements, stresses (both in-plane and out-of-plane components), and the free vibration response. Only simply supported orthotropic panels loaded by a transverse distribution of bisinusoidal pressure have been analyzed. Five benchmark problems are treated. The accuracy of the plate theories is established with respect to the length-to-thickness-ratio (LTR) geometrical parameters and to the face-to-core-stiffness-ratio (FCSR) mechanical parameters. Two main sources of error are outlined, which are related to LTR and FCSR, respectively. It has been concluded that higher order theories (HOTs) can be conveniently used to reduce the error due to LTR in thick plate cases. But HOTs are not effective in increasing the accuracy of the classical theory analysis whenever the error is caused by increasing FCSR values; layerwise analysis becomes mandatory in this case.
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January 2009
Review Articles
A Survey With Numerical Assessment of Classical and Refined Theories for the Analysis of Sandwich Plates
E. Carrera,
E. Carrera
Professor of Aerospace Structures and Applied Aeroelasticity
Aeronautics and Space Engineering Department,
e-mail: erasmo.carrera@polito.it
Politecnico di Torino
, Turin 10129, Italy
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S. Brischetto
S. Brischetto
Aeronautics and Space Engineering Department,
Politecnico di Torino
, Turin 10129, Italy
Salvatore Brischetto. After earning the degree in Aeronautics and Space Engineering (2005) in the Politecnico di Torino, Salvatore Brischetto began his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering (2006) in co-tutoring between the Politecnico di Torino and the Laboratoire de Mécanique de Paris X, Université Paris X Nanterre. His main research topics are composite materials, smart structures, analytical and numerical two-dimensional models for multilayered plates and shells, and multifield problems for multilayered structures. He is author of more than 20 articles on these topics, many of which have been published in international journals.
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E. Carrera
Professor of Aerospace Structures and Applied Aeroelasticity
Aeronautics and Space Engineering Department,
Politecnico di Torino
, Turin 10129, Italye-mail: erasmo.carrera@polito.it
S. Brischetto
Salvatore Brischetto. After earning the degree in Aeronautics and Space Engineering (2005) in the Politecnico di Torino, Salvatore Brischetto began his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering (2006) in co-tutoring between the Politecnico di Torino and the Laboratoire de Mécanique de Paris X, Université Paris X Nanterre. His main research topics are composite materials, smart structures, analytical and numerical two-dimensional models for multilayered plates and shells, and multifield problems for multilayered structures. He is author of more than 20 articles on these topics, many of which have been published in international journals.
Aeronautics and Space Engineering Department,
Politecnico di Torino
, Turin 10129, ItalyAppl. Mech. Rev. Jan 2009, 62(1): 010803 (17 pages)
Published Online: December 16, 2008
Article history
January 23, 2008
June 20, 2008
December 16, 2008
Carrera, E., and Brischetto, S. (December 16, 2008). "A Survey With Numerical Assessment of Classical and Refined Theories for the Analysis of Sandwich Plates." ASME. Appl. Mech. Rev. January 2009; 62(1): 010803. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3013824
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