7R53. Efficient Surfaces for Heat Exchangers: Fundamentals and Design. - EK Kalinin, GA Dreitser (Moscow Aviation Inst, Tech Univ, Moscow, Russia), IZ Kopp (St-Petersburg State Tech Univ, St Petersburg, Russia), AS Myakochin (Moscow Aviation Inst, Tech Univ, Moscow, Russia). Begell House, New York. 2002. 392 pp. ISBN 1-56700-167-X. $85.50.

Reviewed by WS Janna (Herff Col of Eng, Univ of Memphis, 201E Eng Admin, Memphis TN 38152).

The authors have written a text for all researchers and engineers interested in the design, production, and testing of heat exchangers. The focus in the text is on enhancing the heat transfer rate. The text was written originally in Russian and was translated into English by Arthur Bergles and William Begell.

The Preface to the first Russian edition, written by the authors, describes the areas in which thermal equipment is widely used. They go on to say that the development of efficient compact heat exchangers is a problem requiring immediate attention, and that there are many publications that address efficient heat transfer surfaces. Large economic losses can be avoided by using them. (Note that the use of the words “efficient surfaces” in the title does not refer to the traditional concept of efficiency as applied to heat transfer from extended surfaces. Rather, the meaning is that by adding extended areas to key surfaces in a heat exchanger, the overall heat transferred in the exchanger can be increased.) The authors provide much detail regarding the physical interaction between coolants and heat transfer surfaces in all problems considered.

The Preface to the English edition, written by the translators, provides a brief history of how the text came to be translated. The translators are “pleased to present the book to heat transfer engineers;” they feel as if they have helped, at least partially, to minimize the distance between the “cultures, philosophies, and methods” that exist on both sides of the Atlantic and “beyond the Urals.”

The Foreword to the English Edition was written by I Z Kopp on behalf of the authors, which contains among other things, an acknowledgment of the work done by the translators.

The first chapter is on modern concepts of heat transfer surfaces and their efficiency. Heat transfer from extended surfaces is discussed here, as is micro- and macrostructure of heat transfer surfaces. Special features of coated surfaces are also addressed, as well as other relevant topics.

The second chapter is on Efficient Surfaces of Convection Heat Transfer. The topics covered here include heat transfer enhancement in straight channels, enhancement in tubes, and enhancement in longitudinal flow past tube bundles and annular channels. Triangular and flat channels are also considered.

Chapter 3 is on Efficiency of Heat Transfer Surfaces in Boiling of Liquids. Nucleation of vapor on real surfaces is discussed as is stable vs unstable nuclei. The chapter concludes with a section that describes an experimental study of boiling on real surfaces with enhancement.

Chapter 4 is about Efficient Heat Transfer Surfaces in Condensation. Surface modifications for which studies have been done include annular grooves on horizontal tubes and on vertical tubes. Also described is the problem of condensation of vapor-air mixtures on vertical and horizontal tubes.

Chapter 5 discusses Efficient Surfaces for Thermal Radiation. Some fundamentals of radiation heat transfer are presented as an introduction. The effect of surface structure on the efficiency of radiative heat transfer is covered, as are finned surfaces, screens, and the effect of intermediate media.

Chapter 6 is about Methods of Calculation and Design of Efficient Heat Transfer Surfaces. The chapter begins with estimating the efficiency of heat transfer enhancement. It continues with a guide to selection of a method of enhancement in channels, and in tubes. Recommendations are given for optimal parameters of turbulizers for different heat exchanger types. The chapter concludes with a section on standard dimensions of turbulizers on tubes.

The next section, References, is 18 pages long and contains 274 entries. Each reference is numbered and listed according to chapter. It appears as if many of the titles have been published in Russian.

The Appendix contains unit conversions, as well as conversion factors. The unit conversion tables and the conversion factor tables contain the same basic information, but they are organized differently and are from different sources.

The index of this text might be considered a bit lengthy. It is nine pages long and prepared in a single-column format. Two columns, single-spaced would reduce the amount of page turning required to find a specific topic.

The text is over 350 pages and contains numerous drawings and graphs. It is basically a literature review of papers and research that pertain to the subject stated in the title. The drawings and graphs are acceptable, although distinctive. The front of the text contains a six-page nomenclature list used in the book. (One difficulty with the nomenclature is that some of the symbols are not what is commonly used in the English literature (eg, n) for viscosity rather than u).

The text is readable and clearly written. The book is not suitable for use as a classroom textbook, however, because there are no practice problems appearing anywhere. There are no property tables in the text, and there are no calculations that would show specific examples of how to design a heat exchanger surface to enhance heat transfer.

The material would appeal to anyone working with heat exchangers in any capacity as well as to the engineer or researcher desiring to design a surface in a heat exchanger that will enhance heat transfer. Efficient Surfaces for Heat Exchangers: Fundamentals and Design would make an excellent addition to any reference library.