Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing/computer-aided engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) integration offers designers, analysts, and manufacturers the opportunity to share the data throughout the product development process. Finite element (FE) meshing applications integrated with the solid model data from CAD systems represent a major subset of CAD/CAM/CAE integration. In an earlier paper, it was demonstrated that virtual persistent identifiers (VPIs) can be used to assure or repair sustained integration with successive versions of neutral-format solid models. From that article, several follow-on issues become apparent. The geometry as per the CAE model often differs from the CAD model, so even with cross-format issues resolved, significant obstacles to sustained CAD/CAE integration remain. Along with simplification, the current article investigates additional techniques for further automating the recognition of changes between CAD models, reducing the manual interaction to just a few minutes. The article goes on to demonstrate how associativity can be sustained when using current versions of neutral formats like STEP and IGES. The overall point of the paper is to show that given a precise recognition of the differences between two solid models, a generalized means of ad-hoc integration is possible. This point is demonstrated through two case studies where simplifications of the CAD geometry are made to facilitate the meshing of the part. The integration is shown to be maintained across successive versions and to address a range of simplification processing. A summary of best practices for efficiently accommodating sustained CAD/CAE integration is also presented.