This paper is concerned with the synthesis of a mixed robust static output feedback with a bounded control bandwidth for continuous-time uncertainty systems. To this end, genetic algorithms and a linear matrix inequality solver are employed to regulate the static output feedback gains and to examine the Lyapunov stability conditions, respectively. The fitness function of this paper, which is called a hierarchical fitness function structure (HFFS), is able to deal with the stability conditions and the performance constraints in turn. This HFFS not only saves computing time but can also identify the infeasible stability condition. Designers can use the proposed idea to deal with many complex output feedback control problems. It also limits elaborate mathematical derivations and extra constraints.
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December 2005
Technical Briefs
Robust Static Output Feedback Control Design via Mixed Genetic Algorithm and Linear Matrix Inequalities
Chein-Chung Sun,
Chein-Chung Sun
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Central University
, Chung-li 320, Taiwan, Republic of China
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Hung-Yuan Chung,
Hung-Yuan Chung
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Central University
, Chung-li 320, Taiwan, Republic of China
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Wen-Jer Chang
Wen-Jer Chang
+886-2-24622192 Ext. 7110
Department of Marine Engineering,
National Taiwan Ocean University
, Keelung 202, Taiwan, Republic of China
Search for other works by this author on:
Chein-Chung Sun
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Central University
, Chung-li 320, Taiwan, Republic of China
Hung-Yuan Chung
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Central University
, Chung-li 320, Taiwan, Republic of Chinae-mail:
Wen-Jer Chang
+886-2-24622192 Ext. 7110
Department of Marine Engineering,
National Taiwan Ocean University
, Keelung 202, Taiwan, Republic of Chinae-mail:
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Dec 2005, 127(4): 715-722 (8 pages)
Published Online: November 15, 2004
Article history
September 25, 2003
November 15, 2004
Sun, C., Chung, H., and Chang, W. (November 15, 2004). " Robust Static Output Feedback Control Design via Mixed Genetic Algorithm and Linear Matrix Inequalities." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. December 2005; 127(4): 715–722.
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