Development of shale gas reservoirs has become an integral part of the North American gas supply. The Marcellus shale reservoir contains large untapped natural gas resources and its proximity to high demand markets along the East Coast of the United State makes it an attractive target for energy development. The economic viability of such unconventional gas development hinges on the effective stimulation of extremely low permeability reservoir rocks. Horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing technique are the stimulation method of choice and have been successful in shale gas reservoirs. However, the fundamental science and engineering of the process are yet to be fully understood and hence the protocol that needs to be followed in the stimulation process needs to be optimized. There are several factors affecting the hydraulic fracture treatment and the postfracture gas production in shale gas reservoirs. In this paper, we used numerical reservoir simulation techniques and quantified the effect of the following pertinent factors: multiphase flow, proppant crushing, proppant diagenesis, reservoir compaction, and operating conditions on the performance of the designed multistage hydraulic fracturing process. The knowledge generated in this study is expected to enable engineers to better design fracture treatments and operators to better manage the wells in the Marcellus shale gas reservoir.
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1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard,
New Orleans, LA 70123
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March 2013
Factors Affecting Hydraulically Fractured Well Performance in the Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoirs
Tunde Osholake,
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard,
New Orleans, LA 70123
Tunde Osholake
, Jr.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
,1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard,
New Orleans, LA 70123
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John Yilin Wang,
John Yilin Wang
1Corresponding author. Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program.
Search for other works by this author on:
Turgay Ertekin
Turgay Ertekin
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
,EMS Energy Institute
,The Pennsylvania State University
,202 Hosler Building
,University Park, PA 16802
Search for other works by this author on:
Tunde Osholake
, Jr.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
,1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard,
New Orleans, LA 70123
John Yilin Wang
Turgay Ertekin
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
,EMS Energy Institute
,The Pennsylvania State University
,202 Hosler Building
,University Park, PA 16802
1Corresponding author. Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program.
Contributed by the Petroleum Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Manuscript received January 11, 2012; final manuscript received September 17, 2012; published online December 12, 2012. Assoc. Editor: Jonggeun Choe.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Mar 2013, 135(1): 013402 (10 pages)
Published Online: December 12, 2012
Article history
January 11, 2012
Revision Received:
September 17, 2012
Osholake, T., Yilin Wang, J., and Ertekin, T. (December 12, 2012). "Factors Affecting Hydraulically Fractured Well Performance in the Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoirs." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. March 2013; 135(1): 013402.
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