The ground effect on the aerodynamic loading and leading-edge vortex (LEV) flow generated by a slender delta wing was investigated experimentally. Both the lift and drag forces were found to increase with reducing ground distance (up to 50% of the wing chord). The lift increment was also found to be the greatest at low angles of attack α and decreased rapidly with increasing ground distance and α. The ground effect-caused earlier wing stall was also accompanied by a strengthened LEV with an increased rotational speed and size compared to the baseline wing. The smaller the ground distance, the stronger the LEV and the earlier vortex breakdown became. Meanwhile, the vortex trajectory was also found to be located further inboard and above the delta wing in ground effect compared to its baseline-wing counterpart. Finally, for wing-in-ground effect (WIG) craft with delta-wing planform the most effective in-ground-effect flight should be kept within 10% of the wing chord.
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July 2018
Ground Effect on the Vortex Flow and Aerodynamics of a Slender Delta Wing
T. Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
McGill University,
Montreal, QC H3A OC3, Canada
McGill University,
Montreal, QC H3A OC3, Canada
L. S. Ko
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
McGill University,
Montreal, QC H3A OC3, Canada
McGill University,
Montreal, QC H3A OC3, Canada
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received September 10, 2017; final manuscript received December 30, 2017; published online March 16, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Moran Wang.
J. Fluids Eng. Jul 2018, 140(7): 071104 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 16, 2018
Article history
September 10, 2017
December 30, 2017
Lee, T., and Ko, L. S. (March 16, 2018). "Ground Effect on the Vortex Flow and Aerodynamics of a Slender Delta Wing." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. July 2018; 140(7): 071104.
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