Positive displacement expanders are quickly gaining popularity in the fields of micropower generation and refrigeration engineering. Unlike turbomachines, expanders can handle two-phase flow applications at low speed and flow rate levels. This paper is concerned with a simple-design positive displacement expander based on the limaçon of Pascal. The paper offers an insight into the thermodynamic workings of the limaçon gas expander and presents a mathematical model to describe the manner in which the port locations affect the expander performance. A stochastic optimization technique is adopted to find the locations, for the expander ports, which produce best expander performance for given chamber dimensions. The operating speed and other parameters will be held constant during the optimization procedure. A case study is offered in this paper to prove the validity of the presented approach, and comments are given on how various operating parameters affect system performance in the limaçon design.
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October 2011
Research Papers
Optimum Positioning of Ports in the Limaçon Gas Expanders
Ibrahim A. Sultan,
Ibrahim A. Sultan
School of Science and Engineering,
e-mail: i.sultan@ballarat.edu.au
The University of Ballarat
, P.O. Box 663, Ballarat 3353, Victoria, Australia
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Carl G. Schaller
Carl G. Schaller
School of Science and Engineering,
The University of Ballarat
, P.O. Box 663, Ballarat 3353, Victoria, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Ibrahim A. Sultan
School of Science and Engineering,
The University of Ballarat
, P.O. Box 663, Ballarat 3353, Victoria, Australiae-mail: i.sultan@ballarat.edu.au
Carl G. Schaller
School of Science and Engineering,
The University of Ballarat
, P.O. Box 663, Ballarat 3353, Victoria, AustraliaJ. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Oct 2011, 133(10): 103002 (11 pages)
Published Online: May 3, 2011
Article history
August 29, 2010
November 22, 2010
May 3, 2011
May 3, 2011
Sultan, I. A., and Schaller, C. G. (May 3, 2011). "Optimum Positioning of Ports in the Limaçon Gas Expanders." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. October 2011; 133(10): 103002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4003195
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