The Dry-Low-NOx (DLN) Micromix combustion technology has been developed as low emission combustion principle for industrial gas turbines fueled with hydrogen or syngas. The combustion process is based on the phenomenon of jet-in-crossflow-mixing (JICF). Fuel is injected perpendicular into the air-cross-flow and burned in a multitude of miniaturized, diffusion-like flames. The miniaturization of the flames leads to a significant reduction of NOx emissions due to the very short residence time of reactants in the flame. In the Micromix research approach, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses are validated toward experimental results. The combination of numerical and experimental methods allows an efficient design and optimization of DLN Micromix combustors concerning combustion stability and low NOx emissions. The paper presents a comparison of several numerical combustion models for hydrogen and hydrogen-rich syngas. They differ in the complexity of the underlying reaction mechanism and the associated computational effort. The performance of a hybrid eddy-break-up (EBU) model with a one-step global reaction is compared to a complex chemistry model and a flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) model, both using detailed reaction schemes for hydrogen or syngas combustion. Validation of numerical results is based on exhaust gas compositions available from experimental investigation on DLN Micromix combustors. The conducted evaluation confirms that the applied detailed combustion mechanisms are able to predict the general physics of the DLN-Micromix combustion process accurately. The FGM method proved to be generally suitable to reduce the computational effort while maintaining the accuracy of detailed chemistry.
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August 2018
Comparison of Numerical Combustion Models for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Applied for Dry-Low-Nox-Micromix-Combustion
Harald H. W. Funke,
Harald H. W. Funke
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Hohenstaufenallee 6,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Hohenstaufenallee 6,
Aachen 52064, Germany
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Nils Beckmann,
Nils Beckmann
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Hohenstaufenallee 6
,Aachen 52064, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Jan Keinz,
Jan Keinz
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Hohenstaufenallee 6
,Aachen 52064, Germany
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Sylvester Abanteriba
Sylvester Abanteriba
RMIT University School of Engineering,
Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
124 La Trobe Street
,Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Harald H. W. Funke
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Hohenstaufenallee 6,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Hohenstaufenallee 6,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Nils Beckmann
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Hohenstaufenallee 6
,Aachen 52064, Germany
Jan Keinz
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Aachen 52064, Germany
Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Hohenstaufenallee 6
,Aachen 52064, Germany
Sylvester Abanteriba
RMIT University School of Engineering,
Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
124 La Trobe Street
,Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received October 18, 2017; final manuscript received December 7, 2017; published online April 26, 2018. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Aug 2018, 140(8): 081504 (9 pages)
Published Online: April 26, 2018
Article history
October 18, 2017
December 7, 2017
Funke, H. H. W., Beckmann, N., Keinz, J., and Abanteriba, S. (April 26, 2018). "Comparison of Numerical Combustion Models for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Applied for Dry-Low-Nox-Micromix-Combustion." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. August 2018; 140(8): 081504.
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