The effect of torsional mean stress on the fatigue behavior of glass fiber-reinforced polyester (GFRP) is studied by testing thin-walled, woven-roving tubular specimens with two fiber orientations, and , at negative stress ratios , 0. The specimens were found to have higher fatigue strength than the specimens at all stress ratios. This is attributed to the difference in local stress components, the specimens being subjected to tension-compression local stress components, while the specimens being subjected to pure local shear stress. For the studied stress ratios; the mean stress component had a detrimental effect on the amplitude component for the specimens; while it was ineffective for the specimens in a certain region in the mean-amplitude diagram, region (1), then it had a detrimental effect in the rest of the diagram, region (2). The curves for positive stress ratios were extrapolated from those for negative stress ratios, which were found experimentally, for the specimens. The positive stress ratio points, having the same local stress state as the negative ones, showed an acceptable behavior tending to decrease the amplitude component for the same life.
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July 2005
Research Papers
The Effect of Mean Stress on the Fatigue Behavior of Woven-Roving Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Subjected to Torsional Moments
Mohamed N. A. Nasr,
Mohamed N. A. Nasr
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
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M. N. Abouelwafa,
M. N. Abouelwafa
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
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A. Gomaa,
A. Gomaa
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
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A. Hamdy,
A. Hamdy
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
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E. Morsi
E. Morsi
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohamed N. A. Nasr
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
M. N. Abouelwafa
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
A. Gomaa
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
A. Hamdy
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, Egypt
E. Morsi
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Alexandria University
, Alexandria, EgyptJ. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jul 2005, 127(3): 301-309 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 25, 2005
Article history
August 23, 2004
March 25, 2005
Nasr, M. N. A., Abouelwafa, M. N., Gomaa, A., Hamdy, A., and Morsi, E. (March 25, 2005). "The Effect of Mean Stress on the Fatigue Behavior of Woven-Roving Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Subjected to Torsional Moments." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. July 2005; 127(3): 301–309.
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