Cylindrical compression springs have been commonly exploited in mechanical systems for years and their behavior is considered as well identified. Nevertheless, it appears that, even though old research studies suggest correcting the rate formula, the main industrial software dedicated to spring design exploits the uncorrected one. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the analytical formulae for spring behavior, an experimental study was performed, which tried to cover the common design space. This study was done using the two common coil ends: closed and ground ends, and closed and not ground ends. Moreover, the accuracy of the load–length relation was investigated whereas older studies focused only on the spring rate. It appears that the common uncorrected formulae give satisfactory results only when large numbers of coils are involved. We also highlight, for the first time, that it is interesting to correct not only the spring rate but also the free length of the spring.
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February 2016
Enhanced Formulae for Determining Both Free Length and Rate of Cylindrical Compression Springs
Manuel Paredes
Manuel Paredes
Institut Clément Ader (ICA),
Université de Toulouse,
CNRS FRE 3687,
135, avenue de Rangueil,
Toulouse F-31077, France
Université de Toulouse,
CNRS FRE 3687,
135, avenue de Rangueil,
Toulouse F-31077, France
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Manuel Paredes
Institut Clément Ader (ICA),
Université de Toulouse,
CNRS FRE 3687,
135, avenue de Rangueil,
Toulouse F-31077, France
Université de Toulouse,
CNRS FRE 3687,
135, avenue de Rangueil,
Toulouse F-31077, France
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received July 29, 2015; final manuscript received November 10, 2015; published online December 16, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Massimiliano Gobbi.
J. Mech. Des. Feb 2016, 138(2): 021404 (6 pages)
Published Online: December 16, 2015
Article history
July 29, 2015
November 10, 2015
Paredes, M. (December 16, 2015). "Enhanced Formulae for Determining Both Free Length and Rate of Cylindrical Compression Springs." ASME. J. Mech. Des. February 2016; 138(2): 021404.
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