Based on the position and orientation characteristic (POC) set and the POC equations for serial mechanisms and parallel mechanisms proposed by authors, this paper presents a novel general degree of freedom (DOF) formula which is totally different from approaches based on the screw theory and the displacement group. It can be used to determine the full-cycle DOF of parallel mechanisms (PMs) and multiloop spatial mechanisms using symbolic “union” and “intersection” operations for POC sets. These operations involve only several rules and only simple mathematical tools (vector algebra, theory of sets, etc.) are used. Furthermore, criteria for determination of the inactive joints and selection of the actuating joints are proposed. The presented approach is illustrated with several examples.
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February 2012
Research Papers
A General Degree of Freedom Formula for Parallel Mechanisms and Multiloop Spatial Mechanisms
Ting-Li Yang,
Ting-Li Yang
SINOPIC Jinling Petrochemical Corporation, Nanjing, China; Changzhou University
, Changzhou, China
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Dong-Jin Sun
Dong-Jin Sun
Search for other works by this author on:
Ting-Li Yang
SINOPIC Jinling Petrochemical Corporation, Nanjing, China; Changzhou University
, Changzhou, China
Dong-Jin Sun
J. Mechanisms Robotics. Feb 2012, 4(1): 011001 (17 pages)
Published Online: February 3, 2012
Article history
June 19, 2010
October 21, 2011
February 3, 2012
February 3, 2012
Yang, T., and Sun, D. (February 3, 2012). "A General Degree of Freedom Formula for Parallel Mechanisms and Multiloop Spatial Mechanisms." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. February 2012; 4(1): 011001.
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