This paper develops the dynamic equations of motion for the planetary roller screw mechanism (PRSM) accounting for the screw, rollers, and nut bodies. First, the linear and angular velocities and accelerations of the components are derived. Then, their angular momentums are presented. Next, the slip velocities at the contacts are derived in order to determine the direction of the forces of friction. The equations of motion are derived through the use of Lagrange's Method with viscous friction. The steady-state angular velocities and screw/roller slip velocities are also derived. An example demonstrates the magnitude of the slip velocity of the PRSM as a function of both the screw lead and the screw and nut contact angles. By allowing full dynamic simulation, the developed analysis can be used for much improved PRSM system design.
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February 2016
Technical Briefs
Dynamics of the Planetary Roller Screw Mechanism
Matthew H. Jones,
Matthew H. Jones
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Search for other works by this author on:
Steven A. Velinsky,
Steven A. Velinsky
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
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Ty A. Lasky
Ty A. Lasky
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Search for other works by this author on:
Matthew H. Jones
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Steven A. Velinsky
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
Ty A. Lasky
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
University of California–Davis,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received November 3, 2014; final manuscript received March 2, 2015; published online August 18, 2015. Assoc. Editor: James Schmiedeler.
J. Mechanisms Robotics. Feb 2016, 8(1): 014503 (6 pages)
Published Online: August 18, 2015
Article history
November 3, 2014
Revision Received:
March 2, 2015
Jones, M. H., Velinsky, S. A., and Lasky, T. A. (August 18, 2015). "Dynamics of the Planetary Roller Screw Mechanism." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. February 2016; 8(1): 014503.
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