This review explains the concept of virtual distance and its increasing usage in the research and development field. Virtual distance occurs when individuals work together and communicate primarily through electronic media. After five years of research, results show that virtual distance is not about geographic distance alone. Instead, it has three major components: physical distance involving differences in space, time, and environment; operational distance including the psychological gaps that arise from day-to-day problems in the workplace; and affinity distance embodying the emotional disconnects among virtual team members who have no relationship with one another. The review also discusses that Techno- dexterity, boundary breaking, globalization, and authenticity are four key competencies effective leaders use to manage virtual distance. It also illustrates the concept of coactivating leaders, which emphasize not only global experience but also the ability to bond with and understand diverse cultures. They also use both forward and reverse mentoring to both teach and learn from their employees.
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November 2009
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Leading the Dispersed Workforce
When it Comes to the Distances that Can Separate Virtual Teams, Geography is Only the Beginning.
Richard R. Reilly is Emeritus Professor in the Howe School of Technology Management at Stevens Institute of Technology.
Karen Sobel Lojeski is a professor in the Department of Technology and Society at the State University of New York. Stony Brook.
Mechanical Engineering. Nov 2009, 131(11): 30-34 (2 pages)
Published Online: November 1, 2009
Reilly, R. R., and Lojeski, K. S. (November 1, 2009). "Leading the Dispersed Workforce." ASME. Mechanical Engineering. November 2009; 131(11): 30–34.
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