Design S-N curves in design codes are based on fatigue test data, where the stress cycle is under external tension load. It is observed that during pile driving most of the stress cycle is compressive and the design procedure used for fatigue analysis of piles might therefore be conservative. In order to investigate this further, it was proposed to perform laboratory fatigue testing of specimens that are representative for butt welds in piles under relevant loading conditions. In the present project 30 test specimens made from welded plates were fatigue tested at different loading conditions to assess effect of compressive stress cycles as compared with tensile stress cycles. In 2006, the Edda tripod in block 2/7 was taken ashore. This platform has been in service since 1976 and the piles are considered to be representative for the piles installed in the North Sea jacket structures during the 1970s. Therefore it was suggested to investigate the pile weld at the sea bed in detail to assess the stress due to fabrication and 30 years of in-service life and the residual fatigue life of the pile. Six test specimens made from the Edda pile were fatigue tested. The results from the assessment and the fatigue testing are presented in this paper.
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November 2010
Structures, Safety and Reliability
Fatigue Testing and S-N Data for Fatigue Analysis of Piles
Inge Lotsberg,
Inge Lotsberg
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Stig Wästberg,
Stig Wästberg
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
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Hugo Ulle,
Hugo Ulle
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
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Per Haagensen,
Per Haagensen
, 7491 Tronolheim, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Michael E. Hall
Michael E. Hall
ConocoPhillips Norge AS
, Ekotiskveien 35, Tananger 4064 Stavanger, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Inge Lotsberg
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
Stig Wästberg
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
Hugo Ulle
Veritasveien 1, 1322 Høvik Norway
Per Haagensen
, 7491 Tronolheim, Norway
Michael E. Hall
ConocoPhillips Norge AS
, Ekotiskveien 35, Tananger 4064 Stavanger, NorwayJ. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Nov 2010, 132(4): 041602 (7 pages)
Published Online: September 23, 2010
Article history
September 20, 2008
December 16, 2009
September 23, 2010
September 23, 2010
Lotsberg, I., Wästberg, S., Ulle, H., Haagensen, P., and Hall, M. E. (September 23, 2010). "Fatigue Testing and S-N Data for Fatigue Analysis of Piles." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. November 2010; 132(4): 041602.
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