In one CANDU reactor unit in Ontario, the west end fitting is designed to connect to the end shield via a stop collar. The outboard end of the stop collar is welded to an attachment ring, which shrink-fits on the end fitting body. The east side end fitting is supported by inboard and outboard journal rings resting on their respective bearing sleeves, which allow the “free” axial movement of the channel. In support of some maintenance activities, the west end fitting is required to be jacked to get certain clearance for accommodating the operating tools. The previous elastic calculation got the jacking limit of 8.89 mm, which did not provide enough clearance for tooling. In this paper, an elastic–plastic finite element analysis following ASME B&PV code Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB is performed to increase the jacking limit. The finite element analysis is carried out using ANSYS and validated by an ABAQUS model. In the elastic–plastic finite element analysis, the following effects are considered: strain hardening of stop collar material, stress concentration in stop collar weld, notch effect on stress concentration, and fatigue in stop collar. Cyclic jacking loads as displacement controlled loading are applied in the analysis. Considering the time to the end of unit life, the maximum anticipated end fitting jacking cycles are eight. The higher jacking limit is achieved with an acceptable plastic deformation and fatigue damage at the stop collar, which is the weakest part during the end fitting jacking. The results show that the end fitting can be jacked at west side end-face with 29.7 mm for 1–3 cycles, 29.2 mm for 4 cycles, 26.2 mm for 5 cycles, 24.1 mm for 6 cycles, 21.6 mm for 7 cycles, and 20.3 mm for 8 cycles. The jacking limits achieved in this paper provide enough clearance for the required maintenance operations.
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December 2012
Determination of CANDU End Fitting Jacking Limits Using Elastic–Plastic Finite Element Analysis1
Bing Li,
Bing Li
Mech & Civil Engineering
,AMEC NSS Limited
,700 University Ave, 2nd floor
,Toronto, Ontario
, Canada M5G 1X6
Search for other works by this author on:
David McNeish,
David McNeish
Major Reactor Components
,Bruce Power
,177 Tie Road
,Tiverton, Ontario
, Canada N0G 2T0
Search for other works by this author on:
Seyun Eom,
Seyun Eom
Assessment and Analysis
,Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
,280 Slater Street
,Ottawa, Ontario
, Canada K1P 5S9
Search for other works by this author on:
Jian Li
Jian Li
393 University Ave, 4th floor,
Major Component Engineering
,AMEC NSS Limited
,393 University Ave, 4th floor,
Toronto, Ontario
, Canada M5G 1E6
Search for other works by this author on:
Bing Li
Mech & Civil Engineering
,AMEC NSS Limited
,700 University Ave, 2nd floor
,Toronto, Ontario
, Canada M5G 1X6
David McNeish
Major Reactor Components
,Bruce Power
,177 Tie Road
,Tiverton, Ontario
, Canada N0G 2T0
Seyun Eom
Assessment and Analysis
,Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
,280 Slater Street
,Ottawa, Ontario
, Canada K1P 5S9
Dk Vijay
Si-tsai Lin
Jian Li
393 University Ave, 4th floor,
Major Component Engineering
,AMEC NSS Limited
,393 University Ave, 4th floor,
Toronto, Ontario
, Canada M5G 1E6
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received February 24, 2011; final manuscript received February 14, 2012; published online November 8, 2012. Assoc. Editor: Maher Y. A. Younan.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Dec 2012, 134(6): 061208 (5 pages)
Published Online: November 8, 2012
Article history
February 24, 2011
Revision Received:
February 14, 2012
Li, B., McNeish, D., Eom, S., Vijay, D., Lin, S., and Li, J. (November 8, 2012). "Determination of CANDU End Fitting Jacking Limits Using Elastic–Plastic Finite Element Analysis." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. December 2012; 134(6): 061208.
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