In order to study the transient characteristics of a closed-loop pipe system with room temperature water, experiments were carried out based on different pump stopping periods from rate rotational speed to zero. Various stopping periods were realized by changing the rotational inertia of the rotors, controlling the frequency of the motor and braking the shaft. Experimental results of different operating schemes were compared, and transient flow rate of the pipe system and transient characteristics of the pump were analyzed. The influences of the kinetic energy of the loop fluid and pump rotors to the stopping periods were summarized. Results show that rapid change of the pump operating conditions occurs during the stopping period and transient flow rate of the pipe system and characteristics of the pump depend largely on the way of stopping. The kinetic energy stored in the pump can drive the impeller keeping rotating for more time after the motor is shutdown. Due to the kinetic energy stored in the loop pipe, the flow rate does not reach zero immediately after the rotational speed reaches zero. The inertia of pump rotor and fluid inertia affect the impact of fluid flow and the duration of the loop during pump stopping period.
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April 2014
Transient Characteristics of a Closed-Loop Pipe System During Pump Stopping Periods
Dazhuan Wu,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027,
Dazhuan Wu
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
1Corresponding author.
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Peng Wu,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027,
Peng Wu
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
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Shuai Yang,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027,
Shuai Yang
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
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Leqin Wang
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027,
Leqin Wang
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
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Dazhuan Wu
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
Peng Wu
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
Shuai Yang
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
Leqin Wang
Institute of Process Equipment
,Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027,
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received April 14, 2013; final manuscript received September 9, 2013; published online January 7, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Chong-Shien Tsai.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Apr 2014, 136(2): 021301 (8 pages)
Published Online: January 7, 2014
Article history
April 14, 2013
Revision Received:
September 9, 2013
Wu, D., Wu, P., Yang, S., and Wang, L. (January 7, 2014). "Transient Characteristics of a Closed-Loop Pipe System During Pump Stopping Periods." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. April 2014; 136(2): 021301.
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