The Editorial Board of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering would like to welcome two new Associate Editors: Prof. Antonio Marti, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), who will handle the solicitation and review of submittals for “Photovoltaics,” and Prof. Andreas Luzzi, from the Rapperswill University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), who will handle the topical area “Solar Collectors.” Both Associate Editors have distinguished careers in Solar Energy R&D.

The JSEE February issue contains the list of reviewers whose efforts are so critical to the successful operation of the Journal. The intent of JSEE is to publish scientific and technical papers of high quality. In order to achieve this goal, we rely heavily on reviewers and feel greatly indebted to them for their efforts. I would like to express my gratitude to the reviewers of 2005 and to the Editorial Board of Associate Editors.