The present work introduces an experimental study of horizontal shell and coil heat exchangers. Characteristics of the convective heat transfer in this type of heat exchangers and the friction factor for fully developed flow through their helically coiled tube (HCT) were investigated. The majority of previous studies were performed on HCTs with isothermal and isoflux boundary conditions or shell and coil heat exchangers with small ranges of HCT configurations and fluid-operating conditions. Here, five heat exchangers of counterflow configuration were constructed with different HCT torsions () and tested at different mass flow rates and inlet temperatures of both sides of the heat exchangers. In total, 295 test runs were performed from which the HCT-side and shell-side heat transfer coefficients were calculated. Results showed that the average Nusselt numbers of both sides of the heat exchangers and the overall heat transfer coefficient increase by decreasing coil torsion. At lower and higher HCT-side Reynolds number (), the average increase in the HCT-side average Nusselt number () is of 108.7% and 58.6%, respectively, when decreases from 0.1348 to 0.0442. While, at lower and higher shell-side Reynolds number (), the average increase in the shell-side average Nusselt number () is of 173.9% and 69.5%, respectively, when decreases from 0.1348 to 0.0442. In addition, a slight increase of 6.4% is obtained in the HCT Fanning friction factor () at lower when decreases from 0.1348 to 0.0442, and this effect vanishes with increasing . Furthermore, correlations for , , and are obtained.
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March 2016
Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger
M. R. Salem,
M. R. Salem
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
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K. M. Elshazly,
K. M. Elshazly
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
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R. Y. Sakr,
R. Y. Sakr
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
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R. K. Ali
R. K. Ali
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
M. R. Salem
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
K. M. Elshazly
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
R. Y. Sakr
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
R. K. Ali
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University,
108 Shoubra Street,
Cairo 11629, Egypt
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. Manuscript received May 4, 2014; final manuscript received February 11, 2015; published online November 11, 2015. Assoc. Editor: P. K. Das.
J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. Mar 2016, 8(1): 011015 (7 pages)
Published Online: November 11, 2015
Article history
May 4, 2014
Revision Received:
February 11, 2015
Salem, M. R., Elshazly, K. M., Sakr, R. Y., and Ali, R. K. (November 11, 2015). "Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger." ASME. J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. March 2016; 8(1): 011015.
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