Early stage gas turbine blades feature complicated internal geometries in order to enhance internal heat transfer and to supply coolant for film cooling. Most film cooling experiments decouple the effect of internal coolant feed from external film cooling effectiveness, even though engine parts are commonly fed by cross-flow and feature internal rib turbulators which can affect film cooling. Experiments measuring adiabatic effectiveness were conducted to investigate the effects of turbulated perpendicular cross-flow on a row of 45 deg compound angle cylindrical film cooling holes for a total of eight internal rib configurations. The ribs were angled to the direction of prevailing internal cross-flow at two different angles: 45 deg or 135 deg. The ribs were also positioned at two different spanwise locations relative to the cooling holes: in the middle of the cooling hole pitch and slightly intersecting the holes. Experiments were conducted at a density ratio of DR = 1.5 for a range of blowing ratios including M = 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. This study demonstrates that peak effectiveness can be attained through the optimization of cross-flow direction relative to the compound angle direction and rib configuration, verifying the importance of hole inlet conditions in film cooling experiments. It was found that ribs tend to reduce adiabatic effectiveness relative to a baseline, smooth-walled configuration. Rib configurations that directed the internal coolant forward in the direction of the mainstream resulted in higher peak adiabatic effectiveness. However, no other parameters could consistently be identified correlating to increased film cooling performance. It is likely that a combination of factors is responsible for influencing performance, including internal local pressure caused by the ribs, the internal channel flow field, in-hole vortices, and jet exit velocity profiles. This study also attempted to replicate the possibility that film cooling holes may intersect ribs and found that a hole which partially intersects a rib still maintains moderate levels of effectiveness.
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December 2016
The Effect of Rib Turbulators on Film Cooling Effectiveness of Round Compound Angle Holes Fed by an Internal Cross-Flow
Sean R. Klavetter,
Sean R. Klavetter
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: seanyklav@gmail.com
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: seanyklav@gmail.com
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John W. McClintic,
John W. McClintic
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: jmcclintic@utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: jmcclintic@utexas.edu
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David G. Bogard,
David G. Bogard
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: dbogard@mail.utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: dbogard@mail.utexas.edu
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Robert Briggs
Robert Briggs
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Sean R. Klavetter
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: seanyklav@gmail.com
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: seanyklav@gmail.com
John W. McClintic
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: jmcclintic@utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: jmcclintic@utexas.edu
David G. Bogard
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: dbogard@mail.utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin,
204 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: dbogard@mail.utexas.edu
Jason E. Dees
Gregory M. Laskowski
Robert Briggs
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received February 22, 2016; final manuscript received February 25, 2016; published online June 14, 2016. Editor: Kenneth C. Hall.
J. Turbomach. Dec 2016, 138(12): 121006 (10 pages)
Published Online: June 14, 2016
Article history
February 22, 2016
February 25, 2016
Klavetter, S. R., McClintic, J. W., Bogard, D. G., Dees, J. E., Laskowski, G. M., and Briggs, R. (June 14, 2016). "The Effect of Rib Turbulators on Film Cooling Effectiveness of Round Compound Angle Holes Fed by an Internal Cross-Flow." ASME. J. Turbomach. December 2016; 138(12): 121006. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4032928
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