This study is intended to complement many existing analytical studies in the area of semiactive suspensions by providing a field evaluation of semiactive magneto rheological (MR) primary suspensions for heavy trucks. A set of four controllable MR dampers are fabricated and used experimentally to test the effectiveness of a semiactive skyhook suspension on a heavy truck. In order to evaluate the performance of the semiactive suspensions, the performance of the truck equipped with the MR dampers is primarily compared with the performance of the truck equipped with the stock passive dampers. The performance of the semiactive system and the original passive system are compared for two different driving conditions. First, the truck is driven over a speed bump at approximately 8–11 kmh (5–7 mph) in order to establish a comparison between the performance of the MR and stock dampers to transient inputs at the wheels. Second, the truck is driven along a stretch of relatively straight and level highway at a constant speed of 100 kmh (62 mph) in order to compare the performance of the two types of dampers in steady state driving conditions. Acceleration data for both driving conditions are analyzed in both time and frequency domains. The data for the speed bumps indicate that the magneto rheological dampers used (with the skyhook control policy) in this study have a small effect on the vehicle body and wheel dynamics, as compared to the passive stock dampers. The highway driving data shows that magneto rheological dampers and the skyhook control policy are effective in reducing the root mean square (RMS) of the measured acceleration at most measurement points, as compared to the stock dampers.
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July 2001
Technical Papers
Vehicle Evaluation of the Performance of Magneto Rheological Dampers for Heavy Truck Suspensions
David Simon,
David Simon
Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, MC-0238, Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Mehdi Ahmadian
Mehdi Ahmadian
Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, MC-0238, Blacksburg, VA 24061
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David Simon
Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, MC-0238, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Mehdi Ahmadian
Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, MC-0238, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Oct. 2000; revised Feb. 2001. Associate Editor: H. S. Tzou.
J. Vib. Acoust. Jul 2001, 123(3): 365-375 (11 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2001
Article history
October 1, 2000
February 1, 2001
Simon , D., and Ahmadian, M. (February 1, 2001). "Vehicle Evaluation of the Performance of Magneto Rheological Dampers for Heavy Truck Suspensions ." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. July 2001; 123(3): 365–375.
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